Performance approximately 90% (EN308), compliant with ErP directive 2018.
Air filtration & conditioning, one-piece, smart and Plug & Play units!
Mergen Philosophy
ATC Air Trade Centre is a strong team of individuals, honored by extraordinarily rich past and united by great heritage of our ancestors. Today more than ever, human being making effort for precise and perfect solutions. Inspired heavily on producing clean air, we create our units for a healthier world and better indoor climate conditions. It is our honor to present ATC Mergen Heat Recovery Unit – an innovative solution for indoor air treatment, specially designed for the highest air quality.
The name of ATC HRU was taken from the ancient mythology. According to the myths, the name Mergen Khan belonged to the God of Wisdom. Mergen Khan is associated with inner depth, wisdom and portrayed as a strong and powerful God. Mergen symbolizes intelligence and thought and Mergen’s knowledge were precious and priceless. Mergens decisions were always respected by correctness and exceptional accuracy. The accuracy of the decisions could be compared to hitting an archer in a target that would never miss.
Thanks to its innovative technologies and amazed engineering of our team, ATC Mergen Heat Recovery Unit is sustainable and energy saving solution for the highest air quality. Precisely solving the air treatment target, ATC Mergen HRU provides not only the highest efficiency and the least energy consumption, but performs positive global impact and ecological solutions.